Web Site Optimization For Search Engines

Web Site Optimization For Search Engines

First, if you don’t know anything about search engines click here…How does Web Site Optimization effect search engine ranking?

Search engines rank web pages based on their OWN software’s understanding of the web pages relevancy to the term that is being searched.

So what this means for…

web site optimization


Each search engine’s software has its own rule for ranking relevancy, but they all pretty much operate on the same basic principles:

•Where the keywords are on the web page
•How often the key words appear on the webpage (keyword density)

For example, if the keyword appears in the title or the header of the webpage that would be considered much more relevant then having the keyword searched for appear at the very bottom of the page.


Because the search engines software consider it to be much more relevant to see the searched for keyword appear early in the text of the page rather than later.

That being said…search engines do differ in the way that they do rank web pages and PERFECT Web Site Optimization for each search engine is a little different.

But, the general rules still remains.

Follow the general principles above and you will retain the best overall ranking among all of the search engines.

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